Thursday, January 17, 2013

Just might be doing it wrong...

I recently read this on John Green's web site, "A book is a conversation between a reader and a writer, but we both have to hold up our end of the bargain there. It’s possible to write a book terribly; it’s also possible to read a book terribly. (Witness, for instance, those who read Huck Finn as a defense of slavery.) "  It definitely made me wonder.  That is one of the goals of this book blog, to make me a better reader.  I've been fighting my way through "A Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.  Everyone loves this book.  Apparently.  So what is wrong with me?!  I don't hate it, I'm just not into it.  It isn't riveting!  It makes me think I might be doing it wrong.  It seems that the stuff going on in our lives can determine how we interpret writing.  Have you ever read a magazine article that really offends you and the next day, you can't remember why you were so upset about it?  I have that sort of trouble with books.  I know, for instance, that when I'm pregnant I must revisit old friends.  New books will not hold my attention and reading time will be skipped.  That could be happening with Zafon's book.  I'm reading a few other books (that are more interesting), I don't get enough sleep and reading is the only hobby I have right now.  All those put together means the book has to be spectacular (or at least exciting).  I'm hoping is going to get better (or I become a better reader).

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