I haven't been on here much and have no good excuse. I
haven't had much to say I guess! I've mostly been reading books for my 2013 book challenge. Here are the latest...
Are you There Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea. By Chelsea Handler.

I listened to this one to fulfill my humor genre. I maybe snickered once through the entire book. It is basically about Chelsea's drinking and partying. Chelsea read it and she annoyed me. I'm not a fan.
Convergence by Sharon Green

This fulfilled my fantasy genre. I chose it hoping to find a new "epic fantasy" world to be immersed it. This isn't going to cut it, I'm afraid. She writes from five characters point of views. Most scenes are repeated to get the view point of another person. It could work but the characters are not quite interesting enough for to hold my attention. I found myself thinking "yeah, yeah, yeah, get on with it" A LOT. The story line is a lot like Hunger Games but for adults. Nothing really interesting happened though. It felt like one long introduction. The second book might be better but frankly, I have so many books on my to read list that I'm not sure I will give it a chance.
And now I have a confession.
I'm not proud of myself. And I accept none of the blame.

I read all of these.
And no, they don't get any better. You know how Stephanie Meyers uses the prefix "un" in front of any number of words instead of developing her vocabulary? Cassandra Clare uses "half" in the same way. As in "she half smiled." I'm sure there are no other words that could be used for a half smile. Also, she writes books full of presumably unhealthy people since someone "goes pale" at least 5 times a chapter. Painful.
This is what is taking up ALL OF MY TIME currently:
I might never be the same.
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