I though I would share how these sweet little books are RUINING MY LIFE. If I haven't shared with you my philosophy on the library yet, I will now. I give my kids (previously just Doodle and Lula) free reign there. They each have their own library bags and they can choose whatever picture book they want. They are allowed to get "chapter" books by approval only. The approval only rule is in place because Doodle will load up his bag with 20 or 30 and we can't possibly read all of those. We typically "max out" the library card with the 50 books we take home. Don't get me wrong, I have five cards to different library systems. So don't feel bad for us, we could get 250 books if we needed to. This systems has its flaws. For example, I have had to read two kids books in the last month on infectious diseases. Not pleasant. It is worth it though to watch them pick out books and divide them up into piles when we get home. I will now explain the second flaw and how Busy Birdies comes into play. Recently, I have started allowing Buggy to get out of her stroller and put baby books into my library bag. She always chooses one of the "Busy" books like the one above.
Or this...
...Or this. You get the idea.
The problem, you ask? She wants me to read them ALL day long and fusses if I don't. The bigger problem? She lays on the grounds and screams and kicks her precious little feet when we have to bring them back. Apparently one year olds do not understand how libraries work. It is getting on my nerves! I think I will be ordering some on Amazon next week. Geesh.
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